Dramix 3D
Unique identification code of the product: DRAMIX® 3D 65/60BG
Intended use : DRAMIX® 3D 65/60BG are steel fibres, made of cold-drawn wire, for STRUCTURAL USE in concrete, mortar and grout.
Manufacturer: NV BEKAERT SA Bekaertstraat 2, B-8550 Zwevegem, Belgium
System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the construction product: System n°1 6a. EN 14889-1: 2006. Notified Body: BCCA - registration nr: 0749 / B-1040 Brussels, Aarlenstraat - Rue d’ Arlon, 53 TZUS - registration nr: 1020 / CZ-19000 Praha 9,Proseckà 811/76a